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Get tested for HIV after exposure to ensure your health and safety

HIV infection testing service which affects health This type of virus attacks the body's immune system. weaken the body Can't fight germs. Get results within 1 day and 30 minutes. Test quickly, get results quickly, no worries, privacy.

  • People who have unprotected sex with people at risk
  • People who have unprotected anal sex
  • those who have been sexually abused
  • People who use drugs Using a common syringe
  • People who contact wounds or blood of those at infection risk

Starting Price

THB 480.-

HIV is a virus that, once contracted, has serious health effects. This virus attacks the body's immune system, weakening it and preventing it from fighting off infections. This can lead to multiple infections that are difficult to treat. If not treated promptly or if antiviral medication is not taken early, the infection can progress to AIDS. Protect your body by getting tested for HIV after every risk exposure or regularly every 6 months for physical and mental health safety.
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no worries about time You don't need to wait any longer.


Have some important that causes inconvenience.


We consider the privacy of you are important

Doctor's license

Guaranteed by 10 years of medical experience.

The process for testing for HIV is complicated and complex. This is because HIV is a virus that, once it enters the body, does not show immediate symptoms. or the infection cannot be detected immediately Because there is an incubation period of 1-3 months, the testing method depends on the time period of exposure or suspicion of infection. There are 4 forms of HIV testing as follows:


1.) Rapid HIV Test (Low-Accurate) Results will be known in 30 minutes. It is only a preliminary screening. Another verification method is required after 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months.

2.) Antigen-HIV results known within one day. It is a retrospective screening for infection 3-4 weeks after 1 month. The test must be repeated again.

3.) Anti-HIV results within one day. Can detect infections from 14-21 days back, when the body has not yet produced antibodies.

4.) Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) is the most sensitive method. Detects infections from 3-7 days back. Used for screening blood before donation. To find the genetic material of HIV


Currently, HIV testing uses the Ag/Ab combination immunoassay, which tests both antigens and antibodies. It is the most effective examination. The infection can be tested approximately 2 weeks after infection.


In case of infection found 

If the infection is found, you must continue the treatment process by receiving anti-HIV drugs.


In case no infection is found 

– If no infection is found, you can receive PEP medicine to prevent emergency infection immediately.

– Then check again after 1 month to look for infection from the most recent exposure.

– Repeat examination at 3 months and 6 months to prevent inaccurate results. Because the infection may be in the incubation period.


  • How often do I need to be tested for HIV?
    How often do I need to be tested for HIV?You should get tested for HIV after every exposure. and according to doctor's appointments or every 6-12 months for those with sexual partners or lovers.
  • HIV is AIDS, right?
    HIV is AIDS, right?HIV is not equal to AIDS. But it is a virus that causes the body's immune system to become impaired. AIDS is the third stage of HIV infection, in which the body's immune system is barely functioning. causing other complications until the body becomes seriously ill However, people infected with HIV can live their daily lives like normal people. If you receive antiviral medication and take care of yourself properly
  • Using the genitals or mouth to touch Can I be infected with HIV?
    Using the genitals or mouth to touch Can I be infected with HIV?Although HIV cannot be spread through contact. But it can be spread through blood and other secretions, including wounds, so touching the genitals or mouth has a chance of becoming infected. Especially if the genitals or mouth have small wounds or abrasions that cannot be seen. or even tooth decay.
  • How likely are HIV test results to be wrong?
    How likely are HIV test results to be wrong? HIV test results have very little chance of being wrong. If you follow the correct steps However, inspecting the test kit yourself may have some errors.

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