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HPV vaccine guards against 9 strains.

HPV Vaccine

Protects against cancers and genital warts

The HPV vaccine protects against HPV, a virus that can cause diseases in the skin lining and increases the risk of cervical, anal, mouth, throat, and penile cancers. Out of over 100 strains, around 40 can cause disease in humans.

  • Who have had sex at a young age
  • People aged 9 years and older
  • Who have a history of sexually transmitted diseases

Starting Price

THB 3,300.-

Because prevention is better than cure, the HPV vaccine is essential for all genders and ages.The HPV vaccine can prevent 70 - 90% of cervical cancers and provides protection for more than 10 years, so there is no need for repeated booster injections. The vaccine is most effective when given before the first time you have sex. Therefore, vaccination from childhood will help stimulate immunity better. Injections can be started from the age of 9 years, with an emphasis on injections between the ages of 11-12 years.
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There is no cure for HPV. Everyone of every gender should be vaccinated against HPV infection. and be screened for infection every year. This is to ensure that there is no infection and that there is no transmission of the disease to their sexual partners. Most of the 50% of people who have had sexual intercourse have been infected with HPV, either awareness or unawareness. until the infection is eliminated from the body itself (Clearance). Some people may have gotten  HPV from a former partner. But they show disease symptoms such as genital warts when you have a new partner. Because there are stimulating factors such as stress, decreased immunity, etc., therefore, this type of infection can spread to others without knowing.

How dangerous is the HPV virus? It depends on the infected species as mentioned above. However, even if infected with low-risk HPV strains that do not cause cancer, it also creates problems with personal confidence and married life. It also requires time and money for treatment. If left untreated, it will not receive treatment. The lesion may spread to a large area or otherwise cause additional pain to the body. It also increases the chance of other infections easily penetrating from the wound. Therefore, protecting yourself from the HPV virus is essential. Because if infected with a high-risk strain of HPV, In addition to the risk of cervical cancer still at risk of anal cancer, throat cancer, or oral cancer. and cancer in the male genitals Read more at “How dangerous is HPV?


Genital warts treatment, symptoms, and health impact.


  • Is HPV dangerous ?
    Is HPV dangerous ?How dangerous is the HPV virus? Depending on the species infected by the species, how dangerous the species is.16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 35, 66, which causes a risk of cancer. The second most dangerous strains are 6 and 11, which cause genital warts. In addition, sometimes a person's body can eliminate HPV on its own if there is no further infection and if they are healthy and have immunity. It takes approximately 1-2 years, so you should be screened to track infection every year.
  • How many injections does the HPV vaccine require ?
    How many injections does the HPV vaccine require ?Typically, the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) is administered to individuals aged 15 years and older. It requires three injections within a span of 6 months. The second dose should be administered 2 months after the first, and the third dose 6 months after the initial one. For individuals aged 9-14 years, only two injections are necessary, with the second dose given 6-12 months after the first.
  • HPV infection is caused by ?
    HPV infection is caused by ?Most commonly transmitted through sexual intercourse, oral sex, and contamination from patients through the vagina, anus, mouth, or on skin that has cuts or scratches. And can spread the virus from mother to child during birth.
  • Can men get the HPV vaccine ?
    Can men get the HPV vaccine ?Men ages 9-26 can get the HPV vaccine. To prevent genital warts and anal cancer. and prevent the spread of infection to sexual partners or romantic partners The recommended type of vaccine is a 4-strain vaccine (Gardasil).

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